Tribune Times comes with 45+ module suffix styles with multiple combinations. Each suffix style can be used in conjunction with others such as titlebox_right to create a right centered h3 title box, or red_right to create a red style with h3 text aligned right. Simply use an underscore '_' to bridge the suffix styles!
Tribune Times is a content rich News template using the Holy Grail of content - K2! and is the perfect content based template designed for vertical market success. No matter what market, Tribune Times has just what your customers need, from News Sites, to Blogs, to Magazines, to Online Portals, and any content rich website you can dream up. The template features (62) module positions,(45+) module style variations, (6) colorful preset styles, Font Face fonts + rich typography options, CSS3 progressive enhancements and much more.
Tribune Times comes with some of JoomlaXTC's most popular extensions—like K2 Walls,XTC Slide Panel, Html Pro Module, and our new Reading List component. Also included are core overrides and templates for some of the best 3rd party components including: K2, JomSocial, Kunena Forum, JVoting, AcyMailing, and Eventlist!
Built with the JoomlaXTC XTC Framework, Tribune Times offers deep customization options and gives you total control over your site's look & feel—from Width Adjustments, Region & Column Layout, Backgrounds, Font Colors / Sizes / Typeset, Module Layout and custom preset styles. Joomla template control has never been easier, so go ahead, get crazy with it. Customize until your heart's delight and make your site unique.
ropcap Styling for article intros and much more. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut nunc lorem, eleifend vel, rhoncus sed, congue quis, leo. Aliquam dignissim dui quis purus. Phasellus vehicula, ante eu mollis pharetra, enim felis iaculis lacus, congue ullamcorper lorem eros at libero.
This is the Example Quote Class this can be used to create quotes in article pages by using the code below
Example LG Quote Class
* Please note all Bubble Styles require browsers CSS3 compliant for round corners. Sorry IE 6-8!
* Please note all Blog Styles require browsers CSS3 compliant for round corners. Sorry IE 6-8!
* Please note all Button Styles require browsers CSS3 compliant for round corners. Sorry IE 6-8!
This is a sample of the 'error' style.
This is a sample of the 'ideas' style.
This is a sample of the 'astrix' style.
This is com
This is mod
This is plug
This is lang
This is RSS
This is a sample of the 'download' style.
This is a sample of the 'x' style.
This is xblack
This is heart
This is photolink
This is photored
This is photoblue
This is photogreen
This is photoorange
This is photopink
This is photogrey
This is photoblack
This is starred
This is starblue
This is stargreen
This is starorange
This is stargrey
This page is an example of content that is Uncategorized; that is, it does not belong to any Section or Category. You will see there is a new Menu in the left column. It shows links to the same content presented in 4 different page layouts.
Follow the links in the Example Pages Menu to see some of the options available to you to present all the different types of content included within the default installation of Joomla!.
This includes Components and individual Articles. These links or Menu Item Types (to give them their proper name) are all controlled from within the Menu Manager->[menuname]->Menu Items Manager.
Kupcy zmniejszanego Bazaru Sadyba przebąkują o bliskiej budowie wieżowca. Zapytaliśmy dwie instytucje, które powinny wiedzieć najlepiej.
Dwa dni po likwidacji blaszanych pawilonów w centralnej części, Bazar Sadyba miał wreszcie funkcjonować w nowych granicach. Tymczasem dziś targowiskiem wstrząsnęła kolejna zmiana. Niespodziewanie, na pustą dotąd działkę wjechała koparka.
Mieszkańcy warszawskiej Sadyby dostali wspaniały prezent na nowy rok. Stoleczny ratusz przyznał dodatkowe dwa miliony złotych na dokończenie historycznego traktu osiedla - ulicy Goraszewskiej.
Zaniepokojeni skalą planowanej spalarni śmieci na Siekierkach, ekolodzy i okoliczni mieszkańcy zapowiadają torpedowanie pozwolenia na jej budowę.
Osiem lat temu razem z mężem stworzyła kultową skandynawską restaurację NABO na warszawskiej Sadybie. Ostatniego dnia minionego roku, oddała ją w nowe ręce. W rozmowie z Urszula Eriksen opowiada o kulisach wycofania się z projektu życia i o planach na przyszłość.