Środa, 8 Styczeń 2025

Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are building a large online community, Joomla! allows you to deploy a new site in minutes and add extra functionality as you need it. The hundreds of available Extensions will help to expand your site and allow you to deliver new services that extend your reach into the Internet.

The Joomla! Community Portal is now online. There, you will find a constant source of information about the activities of contributors powering the Joomla! Project. Learn about Joomla! Events worldwide, and see if there is a Joomla! User Group nearby.

The Joomla! Community Magazine promises an interesting overview of feature articles, community accomplishments, learning topics, and project updates each month. Also, check out JoomlaConnect™. This aggregated RSS feed brings together Joomla! news from all over the world in your language. Get the latest and greatest by clicking here.

The Joomla! Project has assembled a top-notch team of experts to form the new Joomla! Security Strike Team. This new team will solely focus on investigating and resolving security issues. Instead of working in relative secrecy, the JSST will have a strong public-facing presence at the Joomla! Security Center.

The Joomla! team has millions of good reasons to be smiling about the Joomla! 1.5. In its current incarnation, it's had millions of downloads, taking it to an unprecedented level of popularity. The new code base is almost an entire re-factor of the old code base. The user experience is still extremely slick but for developers the API is a dream. A proper framework for real PHP architects seeking the best of the best.

If you're a former Mambo User or a 1.0 series Joomla! User, 1.5 is the future of CMSs for a number of reasons. It's more powerful, more flexible, more secure, and intuitive. Our developers and interface designers have worked countless hours to make this the most exciting release in the content management system sphere.

Go on ... get your FREE copy of Joomla! today and spread the word about this benchmark project.

The Joomla Core Team and Working Group members are volunteer developers, designers, administrators and managers who have worked together to take Joomla! to new heights in its relatively short life. Joomla! has some wonderfully talented people taking Open Source concepts to the forefront of industry standards. Joomla! 1.5 is a major leap forward and represents the most exciting Joomla! release in the history of the project.

Joomla! is a free open source framework and content publishing system designed for quickly creating highly interactive multi-language Web sites, online communities, media portals, blogs and eCommerce applications.

Joomla! LogoJoomla! provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface that simplifies the management and publishing of large volumes of content including HTML, documents, and rich media. Joomla! is used by organisations of all sizes for intranets and extranets and is supported by a community of tens of thousands of users.

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Tribune Times comes complete with some of JoomlaXTC's most popular extensions - pre packaged with the jumpstart version and also available as standalone extensions with the Full Template Package. Giving you more than just a template - Tribune Times is a full website ready for launching in minutes!

K2 Category Wall

JoomlaXTC K2 Category Wall gives you ultimate control over your category display by allowing you to use custom CSS and HTML for the design. Customize your vision of the module with columns, grids, as well as scrolling content for sliders and slideshows.

K2 Comment Wall

The K2 Comment Wall gives you the power to display users K2 comments with your custom CSS and HTML in a module position. Its the perfect tool for developers with custom styles in mind. Along with the custom layout the module can display columns and grids as well as scrolling walls for sliders and slideshows!

K2 Avatar Wall

The K2 Avatar Wall gives you the power to display your users avatars with your own templates limited only by your imagination. Its the perfect tool for developers with custom styles in mind. Along with the custom layout the module can display columns and grids as well as scrolling walls for sliders and slideshows!

K2 Content Wall

The King of K2 Content modules the JoomlaXTC K2 Content Wall makes your site the ultimate K2 network with ease by displaying your K2 content with custom CSS and HTML in a module position. Choose your articles with category, section, and more control than ever. Customize your vision of content by using the module’s ability to display Joomla Plugins in articles, display columns, grids, as well as scrolling content for sliders and slideshows. This module requires K2 Content and moderate to advanced css and html knowledge.

XTC Slide Panel

Enhance the browsing experience on your website with XTC Panel Slide by placing a clickable area containing plain text, an image or HTML code that in turn will show a sliding panel coming from the top or bottom of your website with left and right areas to put your own custom text, other modules, content or anything you wish. The sliding effect is Mootools-based for perfect Joomla! compatibility and is ideal for dropdown logins, extra menus, deals of the day and so much more.


The Power Tabs Component and Module takes your website to the next level with tab-based animated slideshows of any kind. Set one or more displays using any image or Joomla! Content, or create amazing custom displays with videos, HTML/CSS or even other Joomla modules and animate them with several configurable effects.

Custom HTML Pro

This versatile module allows you to enter Text, HTML, JavaScript or CSS code for display on any module position or even the area of your site. Using any editor available in Joomla!, you can edit complex HTML designs or enter plain-text code for custom displays, additional CSS stylings, embeded flash elements or external javaScript programs. What's more, the module supports any Joomla! content plugin allowing you to customize your content even more.

XTC Reading List

This versatile module allows you to enter Text, HTML, JavaScript or CSS code for display on any module position or even the area of your site. Using any editor available in Joomla!, you can edit complex HTML designs or enter plain-text code for custom displays, additional CSS stylings, embeded flash elements or external javaScript programs. What's more, the module supports any Joomla! content plugin allowing you to customize your content even more.

3rd Party Extensions

Kunena Forum

Kunena is a Joomla native forum component that allows you to quickly deploy a community forum to your Joomla based website. We have taken great care in testing as much as possible. As a component to Joomla, Kunena integrates deeply into the framework of Joomla. User management, Registration, Login/Logout, menus, modules and much more are leveraged through Joomla itself. Rather than having to write the whole framework, Kunena concentrates on the essentials of a well integrated forum on top of the leading Content Management Platform available today.


EventList is just that what the name would lead you to expect. It's not a calendar but an easy way to manage and present your Events for your group, company or community. EventList offers a lot features and possibilities which makes your work easier, like the Venue database, Picture resizing and much more. But also for your site visitors EventList has some additional features to offer, like a simple registration system, map service links, or the submission of new events and venues from the frontend. Additional modules are available and plugins for popular extensions like Community Builder and Joomap.

ACYMailing - http://www.acyba.com

AcyMailing enables you to create mailing lists, manage your subscribers, send Newsletters created with a templating system, create follow-up autoresponder campaigns, handle bounce messages, track clicks, show statistics

JomSocial - http://www.jomsocial.com (* Not Included)

JomSocial is a Joomla-based platform for building social networks and community websites with collaboration tools, Facebook-like features and more.
*JomSocial is a Commercial Extension - The template includes custom overrides and a custom theme for JomSocial 2.6+

JVoteSystem - http://www.http://joomess.de

The component jVoteSystem allows visitors to participate in surveys on your site. You can distribute as many votes as are available to you, thus you can emphasize on a certain answer. When set in component preferences, users can also create their own answers and help e.g. with the feature development. This program works with AJAX, meaning you don't have to reload the page, and is therefore more user friendly. In addition, administrators can manage the site in the frontend and users can remove their own posts. Also, the IP addresses and cookies are stored, which makes multiple voting difficult without permission. With the additional plugin (included in the package) you can also insert the poll into your posts. Language packs for German and English are included. Since the version 1.01, users can write comments on answers and the administrators can insert polls with a editor button. Ultimately, a very useful survey component with a user friendly, simple design.

This is the all modules on page test

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